The Demon
£100 Cash
L Harper, Billericay.
£50 Cash
G McMinn, Dumfries.

MEGA! Goliathon
£100 Cash
F Williams, County Cork.
£40 Cash
J Melville, Greater Manchester.

Contest Coupon

BIG Easy
Sol: As the crow flies
£25 Cash
M Stoner, Eastbourne.

Wheel Words
Sol: Flustered
£25 Cash
S Pepper, County Durham.

Wiz Words
Sol: Robin
Bradford’s Reference Set
S Phillips, Plymouth; J Thomson, South Lanarkshire.

Sol: Toucan
£25 Cash
M Willis, Mandeville.

Sol: Thomas Edward Lawrence
£25 Cash
S Smith, Stockton.

Two-Way Teaser
Sol: Turtledove
£25 Cash
S Little, Dumfriesshire.

BIG Tougher
Sol: Proud as a peacock
£25 Cash
B McLean, Derby.

Sol: Owls
£25 Cash
J Orr, Alloa.

Do Your Block
Sol: Pelican
£25 Cash
C Hawkins, Morpeth.

Sol: Egret
£25 Cash
J Cutting, Ipswich.

Sol: Goose
£25 Cash
J Rabin, Birmingham.

Sol: Finch
£25 Cash
R Mitchell, Coventry.

Code Cracker 5
Sol: Charles Bronson
£25 Cash
M Lowin, Thatcham.

Code Cracker 6
Sol: Barry Manilow
£25 Cash
J Scully, St Albans.

Code Cracker 7
Sol: Ella Fitzgerald
£25 Cash
D Easton, Ipswich.

Code Cracker 8
Sol: Bruce Lee
£25 Cash
A Gibson, Ipswich.

Do It Yourself
£50 Cash
C Morgan, Monmouthshire.