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Solve Cryptic Clues Like a Sleuth


What is it about cryptic clues that makes them so addictive? We humans are programmed to relish a challenge, whether physical or mental, stretching our muscles or our thinking powers.

And what better mind challenge than solving a cryptic crossword? Like a whodunnit detective novel, the details are there but they need to be unravelled. [more…]

Mother’s Day in Australia


In Australia, Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May. Families often come together for special meals, whether it’s a hearty brunch, a picnic in the park, or a relaxed barbecue in the backyard. Many Australians also take the opportunity to pamper their mothers with thoughtful gifts, such as flowers, chocolates, or handmade [more…]

Explore the World of Roses

To put the roses in somebody’s cheeks is to make a person look healthy.  To wear rose-coloured glasses is to think something is more pleasant than it really is, while to gather life’s roses is to savour the pleasures in life. If something is not a bed of roses there are struggles to withstand, [more…]

Discover the Dynamic Trio: Guinevere, Arthur, & Lancelot

There are many differing versions of the legend of Guinevere, but most agree that she was the wife of the Celtic King Arthur, who fought against the Saxon invaders of Britain in the 6th century. However, Guinevere fell in love with King Arthur’s chief knight Sir Lancelot, and they had a passionate affair that [more…]

World poetry day

Poetry is often described as the universal language for the way it transcends social, cultural, and linguistic barriers. Whether it’s a formal form like a sonnet, or haiku, or more fluid like free verse or spoken word, poetry captures the essence of human existence and connects people from diverse backgrounds, fostering empathy and understanding. [more…]

Discover the forbidden dance

In the 18th century, dancing was very much a communal activity. Dancers didn’t just dance with a partner, but in two lines, so that partners faced each other and moved back and forth, and never touched apart from holding hands. They danced with each of the opposite line in a stately, rigid manner.

Then the [more…]

Who is Charles Dickens?

It’s very hard to write about Charles Dickens without writing thousands of words, because there’s so much to say about the man.

Who knows what sort of world we would be living in if it hadn’t been for Dickens and his focus on social reform? He didn’t make changes single-handedly, but he certainly forced people [more…]

World Radio Day

World Radio Day was adopted as a UN International Day back in 2012 and serves as a tribute to the power of radio as a tool for communication, information sharing, and cultural expression, and emphasises its crucial role in shaping our global societies. The date of February 13th was chosen as it is the [more…]

Start anew in January

January is named after the Roman god Janus. His dual-faced image could be found on most city gates and many Roman coins. The two faces are said to be looking back at the past and looking forward to the future at the same time. He was known as the god of beginnings and was [more…]