Monthly Archives: August 2011

Third Time Lucky!

Thank you very much for my third win on the “Large Print Crosswords” competition! What’s even luckier is that I have received a different prize every time – first was the Collins Large Print Dictionary, second was the Collins Large Print Dictionary & Thesaurus (‘cos you’d run out of the dictionaries, lucky me!) and [more…]

Dust if you Must!

I have always loved poetry and over the years have collected poems of all sorts. The other day, I decided to have a good clean out and came across this poem. I thought you might get a laugh at ‘my version’ on the bottom!! Hope you enjoy it.

Lesly Adams
Avonsleigh, Vic
P.S. I don’t think I [more…]

Hello – August 2011

I was just about to take a bite of my hot buttered toast this morning when it slipped through my fingers and landed on the floor… buttered side down.

Although my outlook on life is generally optimistic, I found myself thinking of that well known expression with the underlying message that if anything can go [more…]