Dear Lovatts Team
Thank you so much for all the crossword books that you arranged to have dropped off to our office. We really appreciate your quick response and were very excited to receive them. We put a thank you up on Facebook and I just wanted to make sure you didn’t miss it. It gives all our oncology families and supporters a big buzz when they see companies supporting them through gifts in kind.
There was a comment on Facebook from one oncology Mum who wrote:
“I’ve spent a fair bit of time in hospital recently and crossword books like these have been awesome! Good on you Lovatts”.
We have had a lot of comments at the Hospital about how happy the families were to receive a book in their Survival Bag. So thanks again, we really appreciate your support.
Kind Regards,
Marnie Latz
Cure Our Kids
Registered Charity No. CFN 17442
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