Why are cryptic crosswords singled out as the most popular brain-sharpening tool? It seems that the task of solving cryptics really works in improving the way the pathways in the brain connect with each other.

As we age, it seems easier to remember events of our childhood than what happened yesterday. This has been attributed to a degeneration of the frontal lobes of the brain. What we need to do is challenge our brain with new tasks, stimulating the growth of brain circuitry. Solving crosswords, playing bridge, learning a foreign language or learning to play a musical instrument are methods recommended by the experts.

Cryptic crosswords are more effective because they make you think. Sometimes, finding the answer to a straightforward type of clue can be as automatic as a kneejerk reaction, but cryptics don’t let you get away lightly.

So push your grey matter – or I should say, your white matter. Scientists have recently discovered that the grey matter of the brain doesn’t deteriorate nearly as much as the white matter of the connecting pathways – the wires and tubes fade away from lack of use.

Commuting puzzlers should pick up the latest issue of Handy Cryptic Crosswords, perfect for taking with you on the bus or train. Carried in your pocket or purse, it will still be packed with plenty of mental challenges!

Happy Puzzling!