Play Free Code Cracker

In the Code Cracker, letters have been replaced by numbers. Each number represents the same letter throughout the grid. When you begin the puzzle, you will see that a few pre-determined letters have been given for you. Use these clues as a guide to deciphering the code. All words used are from the dictionary, and there are no proper nouns.

As you work out which number corresponds to which letter, click a cell to highlight it and then type in the letter you think is correct. The letter that you type will also appear in every other cell in the grid with the same number. In With Hints mode, cells containing correct letters are highlighted in the same shade as the given letters, and any incorrect cells will be highlighted in a contrasting shade.

A new version of this puzzle is coming soon. PLAY THE BETA VERSION →

See below the puzzle for further instructions.

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About Online Code Cracker

Code Crackers are for crossword lovers looking for a change of pace. Letters have been replaced by numbers in these crosswords-in-disguise. Crack the alphabet code to make words to fill the grid and then reveal the hidden answer.