Handy Range Gremlins

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Handy BrainTrainers 26 – Gremlin

Kakuro, page 42

The lower left total should be 13 not 12.

Thanks to M Wells from QLD for reporting this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 25 – Gremlin

Kakuro, page 21

The puzzle does not have a unique solution.

Thanks to R Kinsky from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 24 – Gremlin

Kakuro, page 21

There were two 9s for the sum of 18.

Thanks to D Dodd from TAS for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 23 – Gremlin

Adders 2, page 7

There is a second solution for the puzzle, 13+72=85.

Thank you to B Cairney for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 108 – Gremlin

Double Take 6, page 68

The clue at 9across should have read ‘Harder to find in opera reruns’ not ‘Hard’ for the answer RARER.

Thanks to S Davies from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin

Killer Sudoku 107 – Gremlin

Kakuro 6, page 26

There were duplicate 6s in the puzzle and the numbers did not add up correctly.

Thanks to M Harlock from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.


Handy Wordhunt 145 – Gremlin

Two-In-One 3, page 51

The correct solution is ‘Peter Garret went’ not ‘Michael Hutchence’.

Thanks to J Clark from QLD for reporting this gremlin.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 109 – Gremlin

Cryptic 10, page 35

The clue at 8ac should  have read ‘Calmed down when current letters are covered by crockery washed last (8)’ to include the D.

Thanks to D Miller from VIC for alerting us to this error.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 108 – Gremlin

Cryptic Castle 1, page 11

You would need to add an ‘R’ and ‘H’ and drop an ‘E’ to change ELATE to LATHER.

Thank you to W Ryder from Brookvale NSW for reporting this gremlin.