Magazine Gremlins – Australian and New Zealand titles

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

if you think you've spotted one, please check below to see whether it's already been reported or →click here to browse errors by magazine title. If you're the first to bring the boo-boo to our notice, we'll send you a Gremlin spotter fridge magnet!
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Variety Bumper Puzzles 135 – Gremlin

Super Starhunt 1, page 13

Given letter K was not filled in, 6th row from bottom, 8th square across.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for reporting this gremlin.

Variety Bumper Puzzles 135 – Gremlin

Photo Starhunt 2, page 81

The incorrect square was shaded for the ‘V’ in the solution.

Thank you to J Clark from QLD for reporting this gremlin.

Colossus Crosswords 216 – Gremlin

Colossus 3, page 18

175 across, the plural clue ‘Bowls over’ should have been ‘Bowl over’ for the answer FLOOR.

Thanks to S Roberts from NZ for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 25 – Gremlin

Kakuro, page 21

The puzzle does not have a unique solution.

Thanks to R Kinsky from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 151 – Gremlin

The Beast 1, page 14

The clue at 74 down should have read ‘See 71 down’ not 71 across.

Thanks to H Elliott from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 24 – Gremlin

Kakuro, page 21

There were two 9s for the sum of 18.

Thanks to D Dodd from TAS for alerting us to this gremlin.

Super Sudoku Collection 003 – Gremlin

Super Hexoku 2 solution, page 103

Two of the hexagons in the puzzle are incorrect.

Thanks to S Hardman of NZ for alerting us to this gremln.

Handy BrainTrainers 23 – Gremlin

Adders 2, page 7

There is a second solution for the puzzle, 13+72=85.

Thank you to B Cairney for alerting us to this gremlin.

Variety Bumper Puzzles 133 – Gremlin

Prism 2, page 88

FLUORIDE was spelt incorrectly as FLOURIDE.

Thank you to S Penman for reporting this gremlin.