The latest News from Lovatts


BIG September Competition Solutions – Issue 283

Read all about the lucky winner of our last competition, the Win A Cruise competition

You may remember our competition last year in which you were asked to tell us about your favourite puzzling spot. The selected winner received an incredible ‘ultimate cruise’ to the value of AU$10,000.

The lucky recipient of the cruise voucher, plus the additional $2,000 spending money was Stephanie McCarthy of South Australia. [more…]


Basic scanning
Look at the grid, bearing in mind the fundamental rule that each row, column and 3×3 box must contain one instance only of each of the digits from 1 – 9. The other side of this is that if a digit is already in a row, column, or 3×3 box, it can’t appear [more…]

Kids Wordsearch Test

WIN The Ultimate Cruise Winner!

Congratulations to Stephanie McCarthy from South Australia, winner of our recent WIN The Ultimate Cruise promotion.

Thanks to everyone for participating. We hope you enjoyed your Lovatts magazine. If so, we encourage you to take advantage of the fabulous subscription offers available now on our online stores.

MEGA! Competition Solutions – Issue 92

Select puzzles to view solutions:

WIN a Suzuki Alto Winner!

Congratulations to Peter Verkerk from South Australia, winner of our recent WIN a Suzuki Alto promotion.

Thanks to everyone for participating. We hope you enjoyed your Lovatts magazine. If so, we encourage you to take advantage of the fabulous subscription offers available now on our online stores.

MEGA! Competition Solutions – Issue 91

Select puzzles to view solutions:

Colossus 154 Competition Solutions