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Colossus Competition Solutions – UK Issue 378

Big Competition Solutions – UK Issue 373

The benefits of surfing the web

A recent study to find out the effect on the brain of surfing the web discovered that it improves brain function in middle-aged and older adults. The test was carried out by Dr Gary Small, professor at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behaviour at UCLA, and his research team. They used a [more…]

Learn about the sun

Long before we understood the science behind it, the sun featured in the myths and legends of cultures across the globe. In ancient Egypt, the sun god Ra was believed to ride across the sky in a golden chariot, bringing light and warmth to the land. The Aztecs worshipped the sun as a god [more…]

Colossus Competition Solutions – UK Issue 377

MEGA Competition Solutions – UK Issue 84

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Big Competition Solutions – UK Issue 372

Alpha & Omega

Alpha, being the first letter, implies ‘first’ or ‘leadership’, as in a first-class mark in a college exam or ‘alpha male’, the dominant man. Beta means second-best, as in a second-class exam mark. It was also a videotape format in those far off days before CDs and DVDs. Beta waves are generated when the [more…]

Mother’s Day Around The World

Mother’s Day is celebrated in many parts of the world, although on different dates. The modern form we recognise now originated in the United States, observed on the second Sunday in May. In the UK, Mother’s Day is also known as Mothering Sunday and is held in March, usually the fourth Sunday of [more…]