Variety Prize Puzzles Gremlins

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Variety Bumper Puzzles 133 – Gremlin

Prism 2, page 88

FLUORIDE was spelt incorrectly as FLOURIDE.

Thank you to S Penman for reporting this gremlin.

Variety Bumper Puzzles 132 – Gremlin

BIG Crossword 2, page 77

The clue at 80dn was singular for the plural answer NATIONAL PARKS.

Thanks to S Roberts from Auckland for reporting this gremlin.

Variety Bumper Puzzles 129 – Gremlin

Matchboxes Contest, page 67

There were two left over Keyword solutions, WEB and HOT.

Thank you to R Mays from Tasmania for reporting this gremlin.

Variety Bumper Puzzles 125 – Gremlin

PhotoFind, page 2

The photo for the answer CURTAINS showed a singular CURTAIN.

Thank you to N Brandi from VIC for alerting us to this gremlin.

Prize Puzzles 112 – Gremlin

Bits And Pieces, page 12

The ‘C’ is missing for the answer to ‘4. Ambiguous compliment (10)’ BACKHANDER.

Thanks to S Penman for alerting us to this gremlin.

Variety Prize Puzzles 103 – Gremlin

Quiz Quest, page 36

Apart from Atlantic, there is also an ARCTIC Records music label. This leaves no mystery keyword.

Thank you to Heather Sullivan from Parkinson QLD for alerting us to this error

Variety Prize Puzzles 103 – Gremlin

Red Herrings, page 6

There are 9 food items, not 8. Polony fits into the space at 2.

Thanks to John Carter from Qld for alerting us to this gremlin.

Variety Prize Puzzles 92

Matchboxes Contest, page 40

There can be two keyword solutions, TARTAN or TARGET. We will accept both answers.

Thanks to Meryl Heynsdyk for alerting us to this gemlin


Variety Prize Puzzles 80

Common Thread, page 21

Incorrect anagram for 3 across – CHAMBORD

Please accept our sincere apologies for the frustration caused by this error.

Thank you to Miss R Wilton of Parafield Gardens, SA for alerting us to this error