Magazine Gremlins – Australian and New Zealand titles

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

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Handy Binary + Hexoku 04 – Gremlin

Super Hexoku, page 59

The cells in the Hexagon at the top of the second column could not be solved.

Thank you to K Drummond from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Puzzles 128 – Gremlin

What’s What, page 46

The ‘F’ should have been an ‘L’ on the puzzle grid for the answer to ‘Aussie Rules football (1,1,1)’.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for alerting us to this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 143 – Gremlin

Acrostic 1, page 36

There are two extra lines at the end of the solution for D.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for alerting us to this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 142 – Gremlin

The Beast, page 94

The clue at 68ac ‘World’s largest desert’ for the answer SAHARA is incorrect, it is the world’s largest hot desert.

Thanks to S Watson from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 142 – Gremlin

BIG Crossword, page 80

The clue at 6ac ‘Braking indicator’ was incorrect for the answer TAILLIGHT.

Thanks to S Watson from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Code Crackers 134 – Gremlin

Concept Code 2, page 23

The S for CIRCUS in the solution should have been 12 not 1.

Thanks to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 103 – Gremlin

Double Take 4, page 52

The clue at 2 down should have read ‘See 1dn’ not 1ac.

Thank you to B Bessant from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Handy Acrostic 46 – Gremlin

Acrostic 35, page 61

Extra line at end of solution for clue L.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for reporting this gremlin.

Variety Bumper Puzzles 125 – Gremlin

PhotoFind, page 2

The photo for the answer CURTAINS showed a singular CURTAIN.

Thank you to N Brandi from VIC for alerting us to this gremlin.