Magazine Gremlins – Australian and New Zealand titles

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

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Handy Cryptic Crosswords 107 – Gremlin

Cryptic 8, page 28

The clue at 6dn is incorrect, everyone drives on left-hand size, not right, in Japan.

Thanks to D Newsome from SA for reporting this gremlin.

Acrostic Puzzles 49 – Gremlin

Grid Logic 1, page 22

The content of the Specialty and Patient boxes in the bottom grid are incorrect.

Thanks to D Hocken from WA for alerting us to this gremlin.

Code Crackers 137 – Gremlin

Code Crackers 22 & 24

The two puzzles had identical grids.

Thanks to L Shirriff for alerting us to this gremlin.


Christine’s BIG Crossword 379 – Gremlin

Steps 2, page 59

You would need to change two letters to transition from SEAR to SOUR, not one.

Thank you to Dianne Richards from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Christine’s BIG Crossword 375 – Gremlin

DIY Winner, page 52

The clue at 82dn was incorrect, Lou Grant was Ed Asner’s character in the TV show, not an actor.

Thanks to B Fielding from QLD for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Killer Sudoku 103 – Gremlin

Kakuro 16, page 43

Right side bottom, numbers in column adds up to 31 not 21.

Thank you to G Plimmer from NZ for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 205 – Gremlin

Cluewords 7, page 15

The clue in top row should have read ‘Very hot day’ not ‘Vey hot day’.

Thank you to C Furniss from NZ for alerting us to this gremlin.

Christine’s Cryptic Collection – Crossword Edition 29 – Gremlin

Double Take 3, page 33

The cryptic clue at 11dn should have had the word break-up (6) not (4) for the answer REVEAL.

Thanks to R Evans from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 205 – Gremlin

Fortune Hunt 3, page 60

The clue for the answer OF SIAM, should have read Anna & The King …, without the ‘of’.

Thank you to Edith Manche from Victoria for alerting us to this gremlin.