Handy Range Gremlins

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Handy Puzzles 128 – Gremlin

What’s What, page 46

The ‘F’ should have been an ‘L’ on the puzzle grid for the answer to ‘Aussie Rules football (1,1,1)’.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 103 – Gremlin

Double Take 4, page 52

The clue at 2 down should have read ‘See 1dn’ not 1ac.

Thank you to B Bessant from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Handy Acrostic 46 – Gremlin

Acrostic 35, page 61

Extra line at end of solution for clue L.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for reporting this gremlin.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 101 – Gremlin

Double Take 5, page 60

The straight clue at 19ac is the same as the cryptic clue, it should have read ‘Marry’ for the answer WED.

Thanks to Steve R from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 14 – Gremlin

Mental Sums 2, page 50

The answer for number 2, 84 ÷ 7 + 38 = 60, should have been 50 not 60 in the puzzle and solution.

Thanks to P White from WA for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Acrostic 45 – Gremlin

Acrostic 15, page 27

There is an incorrect extra line at the end of the answer for J, LORDSHIP.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for alerting us to this error.

Handy Puzzles 126 – Gremlin

Criss Cross 2, page 42

WATER CRACKER should have been listed under 12 letters not 11.

Thanks to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Arrowords 111 – Gremlin

Wheel Words 2, page 68 with solution on page 80

Printed solution contained nine words that did not contain the middle letter O.

Leaving out these words, discovering 15 words would be Good, 20 would be Very good and 25+ Excellent

Thanks to M Scullion for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 13 – Gremlin

Adders, p7 and solution p74

2. This set had two possible solutions: 18+13=31 and 59+26=85.

Thank you to A Thorne for alerting us to this error.