COLOSSUS Crosswords Gremlins

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Colossus 195 – Gremlin

Wiz Words, page 36

18ac Olympus Mons is on Mars not the Moon.

Thank you to S Thomson for alerting us to this gremlin.

Colossus Crosswords 193 – Gremlin

Colossus 2, page 14

The clue at 245dn ‘.471 acres’ should be ‘2.471 acre units’ for the answer HECTARES

Thank you to A Rice for alerting us to this gremlin

Colossus Crosswords 192 – Gremlin

The Stinker, page 26

The clue at 146 down ‘Bone marrow components (4,4) for the answer STEM CELL should have had ‘component’ not ‘components’

Thank you to Max Allen for alerting us to this gremlin

Colossus Crosswords 187 – Gremlin

Wiz Words, page 36

The clue at 10 across ‘Cereal crop often used in the making of whisky’ for the answer RYE should have had ‘whiskey’ not ‘whisky’

Thank you to Leslie Platt for alerting us to this gremlin

Colossus Crosswords 186 – Gremlin

The Beast 2, page 46

1ac CENTIPEDES are not insects, they are arthropods.

Thank you to Margaret Howell from Bendigo for alerting us to this gremlin

Colossus Crosswords 186 – Gremlin

MAXI!, page 38

The clue ‘Spinning top’ should be ‘Spinning toy’ for the answer YO-YO

Thank you to Stephen Thomson from Cranbourne Vic for alerting us to this gremlin

Colossus Crosswords 182 – Gremlin

Stinker From The Vault, page 62

201dn ‘Present day Pope’ for the answer BENEDICT should have read ‘Former Pope’

Thank you to Tony & Val Martin of Palm Beach for reporting this gremlin to us

Colossus Crosswords 182 – Gremlin

The Knowledge, page 34

The clue at 25 down ‘Locomotive enthusiast or anyone who obsessively pursues an minority interest’ should read ‘a’ instead of ‘an’.

Thank you to Max Allen from NSW for reporting this one to us

Colossus 181 – Gremlin

Colossus 9, page 48

The clue ‘Rebuked’ at 10 across, should have been ‘Rebukes’ for the answer REPROACHES

Thank you to Stephen Thomson from Cranbourne for alerting us to this gremlin