Cluewords Gremlins

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Cluewords 216 – Gremlin

MAXI! 3, page 50

There is a second, incorrect, arrow on the clue box for ‘Showy bloom’.

Thanks to M Williams from NZ for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 209 – Gremlin

Cluewords 27, page 56

The dividing line is incorrectly placed in the clue box for the clues ‘Peepers/UK racecourse’.

Thank you to M Allen from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 205 – Gremlin

Cluewords 7, page 15

The clue in top row should have read ‘Very hot day’ not ‘Vey hot day’.

Thank you to C Furniss from NZ for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 205 – Gremlin

Fortune Hunt 3, page 60

The clue for the answer OF SIAM, should have read Anna & The King …, without the ‘of’.

Thank you to Edith Manche from Victoria for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 198 – Gremlin – MAXI! 2

MAXI! 2, p24

The clue box for ‘More willing’ had an incorrect second arrow.

Thanks to F Cook from QLD for reporting this gremlin.

Cluewords 198 – Gremlin – MAXI! 1

MAXI! 1, page 12

The clue box for ‘Truck compartment’ had an incorrect extra arrow.

Thanks to F Cook from QLD for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 194 – Gremlin – Cluewords 22

Cluewords 22, page 45

The clue ‘Group of notes’ should have been ‘Groups of notes’ for the answer CHORDS.

Thank you to M Allen from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 194 – Gremlin – Cluewords 15

Cluewords 15, page 29

The word break-up for the clue ‘Enrolling’ should have been (7,2) for the answer SIGNING ON (horizontal answer in lower third of grid).

Thank you to K Angrave from SA for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 193 – Gremlin

MAXI! 1 , pages12-13

The clue ‘Bounded along’ for the answer LET should have been ‘Authorise’.

Thank you to K Angrave for alerting us to this gremlin.