Magazine Gremlins – UK/International

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

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Colossus Crosswords 339 – Gremlin

Cryptic Colossus, page 64

The word break-up for the clue at 30 down should be (3,2,4) for the answer HIT OR MISS

Thank you to David Hope for alerting us to this gremlin


Christine’s BIG Crossword 329 – Gremlin

Anarchy, page 19

The numbering of the across clues was incorrect. They should have read 1,5,6,7.

Thank you to Peter Norris from Merseyside for alerting us to this gremlin.

Christine’s BIG Crossword 322

Acrostic competition, page 27

The instructions should have read ‘The first letter of the clue answers from A to T will spell out the actor described in the story grid and one of their earliest movies’

Thank you to Mrs M Vidoretti of Blackpool for alerting us to this error

Christine’s BIG Crossword 317 – Gremlin

Pop Words, page 47

The clue at 7 across starts with a numeral 1, it should be an alphabetical I.

Thanks to Len Porter from London for pointing out this gremlin

Colossus Crosswords 326 Gremlin

The Beast 2 – page 46

171 down. Current UK PM (4,5) should be Former UK PM (4,5)

Thank you to Pam Blake for alerting us to this error