Magazine Gremlins – UK/International

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

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Crossword & Puzzle Collection 155 – Gremlin

Beast 1, page 14

The clue at 74 down should have read ‘See  71 down’, not 71 across.

Thank you to B Salter for alerting us to this gremlin.


Christine’s BIG Crossword 388 – Gremlin

BIG 2, page 10

The clue at 123ac should have read ‘Distorts’ not ‘Distort’ for the answer WARPS.

Thank you to V Toteva  from London for reporting this gremlin.

Christine’s BIG Crossword 387 – Gremlin

Missing Link, page 12

There wasn’t a space for the N on the grid.

Thanks to P Fletcher from Nottingham for alerting us to this error.

Colossus Crosswords 390 – Gremlin


There are incorrect extra arrows on the clue squares for ‘Fallen timbers’ and ‘Alcohol abstainer’.

Thank you to T Barritt from Norwich for alerting us to this gremlin.


Crossword & Puzzle Collection 152 – Gremlin

MEGA! 2, page 40

The clue at 59ac should have read ‘Is dependent (on)’, not ’96’ for the answer RELIES.

Thank you to M Mason from Berkshire for alerting us to this gremlin.

Christine’s BIG Crossword 383 – Gremlin

Steps, page 59

You would need to change two letters to transition from SEAR to SOUR, not one.

Thank you to J Mason from Malvern for alerting us to this gremin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 151 – Gremlin

Acrostic 3, page 91

The clue at D. is incorrect, Kate Middleton’s title is now the Princess of Wales.

Thanks to S Shaw from Hornchurch for alerting us to this gremlin.

MEGA! Crosswords® 82 – Gremlin

MEGA! 24, pages 62-63

The clue at 1dn should have read ‘Thigh’s … artery’ for the answer FEMORAL, not ‘Alien ships (1,1,2)’.

Thanks to E Lloyd from Cheshire for reporting this gremlin.

MEGA Crosswords 80 – Gremlin

MEGA Mix. page 12

The clue at 55ac should have read ‘Scotland’s historic county which included Glasgow and the Clyde valley (11)’.

Thanks to B Graham from Brighouse for alerting us to this gremlin.