Data rhymes with…
The overwhelming majority of you pronounce data as though it rhymes with garter (darta), as opposed to rhyming with Alligator (dayta). Interestingly, the UK see our pronunciation of this as somewhat of an oddity. One we no doubt find pleasure in, as the ‘data’ seems to show ?
Forehead is pronounced…
Phew, this was a close one (*wipes forehead) but four-head has won out with 61% of the vote. This version – more popular amongst younger Australians has been influenced over the years from across the Pacific, as the original English is forrhid.
France rhymes with…
Ça alors! Another close one, with the ‘short a’ version just winning out 59% to 41%. The way you pronounce France generally transfers across to words such as grant, dance and even graph. But there’s always exceptions. Another wonderful thing about our complex and ever-evolving language.
Happy Puzzling!