Christine Lovatt's Desk

Welcome to Christine's Desk

Here you'll find a variety of puzzle themed items and pieces of information to hold your interest. Learn about some of the wonderful words and phrases in our everyday language, find out about the health benefits of crosswords and puzzles, be entertained by Christine's Hello column… and there's much more on offer. The latest submissions appear below. Thanks for dropping by and we hope you enjoy your visit.


East is East and West is West but the Orient sounds so much more exotic!

The word Orient came into English many centuries ago from the Latin for ‘to rise’. It was used to indicate the direction from which the sun rose and came to mean the places located in that direction.

The meaning narrowed and [more…]

A Demon in the lab – January BIG contests

The Demon is a devilish chap and took you back to the school science room with clue 136ac ‘Laboratory measuring tube’. “PIPETTE!” went up the collective cry and pencils and pens happily filled in this answer.
Trouble later arose when tackling 124dn ‘Unfertilised plant seed’. Some thought they knew this, while others hunted it down [more…]

Show a Leg

You may think that this phrase has its origins in dance halls but this odd expression was used as a command aimed at those who were reluctant to get out of bed in the morning...


These short side-whiskers were originally named after the American Federal General Ambrose Everett Burnside (1824-81) who sported the peculiar whiskers.

He served in the regular artillery and in 1849 was wounded in a fight with Apaches in the New Mexico Territory. He resigned in 1853 to manufacture his breech-loading carbine but was forced into bankruptcy [more…]


Arguably the most widely played game in the world today, Association Football or soccer can trace its origins back to 200BC in China.

The word soccer was a slang term coined in the 1890s. The word soccer originally came from an abbreviation of Association Football (Assoc; soc) a term introduced in about 1870 for football [more…]

“Time is money”

“Time is money” has become a common catch-cry in this fast-paced world of ours and yet the dictum has ancient origins.

Way back in 430 BC, Antiphon said that “the most costly outlay is the outlay of time” (MAXIM), a theory which was repeated by Theophrastus, circa 320 BC.

Montaigne mentioned the proverb in his Essays, [more…]

Cryptic Crossword Tutorial

Like to join the ranks of the elite and become a cryptic crossword solver?

Sudoku Video Tutorial

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be good at maths to solve a Sudoku! The puzzles are based on the principles of logic and recent variants have been created which use systems of letters, shapes or colours instead of numbers. To help you get started...

Yuan Tan

The Chinese New Year festival, known as Yuan Tan, is probably the most important event on the Chinese calendar. Some 370 million people in China travel home to celebrate the three-day public holiday with their relatives, and every four years are given twenty days official leave to visit their home towns or villages. The [more…]