Christine Lovatt's Desk

Welcome to Christine's Desk

Here you'll find a variety of puzzle themed items and pieces of information to hold your interest. Learn about some of the wonderful words and phrases in our everyday language, find out about the health benefits of crosswords and puzzles, be entertained by Christine's Hello column… and there's much more on offer. The latest submissions appear below. Thanks for dropping by and we hope you enjoy your visit.


Old Grogram was the nickname of British Admiral Edward Vernon.

He acquired this name because of the grogram coat he always wore.

In 1740 Admiral Vernon started serving a mix of rum and water to sailors in the Royal Navy instead of the neat rum handed out previously.

This became known as grog.

This grog ration was [more…]

Hat trick

Have you ever achieved the same thing three times only to be told you have completed a hat trick, when what you were doing had nothing to do with hats?

A hat trick comes from the game of cricket and dates back to the late 1800s.

Hat trick described the feat of a bowler to [more…]

Kick the bucket

To kick the bucket is one of the many euphemisms meaning to die. Its origins are fairly gruesome!

A likely source of this phrase comes from pig farming. One method of slaughtering a pig used to involve hanging it upside down from a beam in the barn designed for the purpose and called a “bucket.” [more…]

Pardon me, boys; Is that the Mega Mix clue choo? MEGA 56 Contests

The Mega Mix is proving more popular each issue as you get used to Christine’s mix of general knowledge, straight and cryptic clues. She enjoys compiling it, so is very pleased you all enjoy solving it. A small number of errors were noted by our judges in entries in MEGA! issue No. 56.
‘The choo [more…]


Where would we be without electricity? If you ever have a blackout it is a reminder of how reliant we are on plugging things in!

Early scholars like Thales of Miletus (600 BC) and Pliny (AD 70) made the observation that amber, when rubbed, had the power to attract light objects like bits of straw [more…]

Raining cats and dogs

This describes a heavy cloudburst and there are different theories as to how the expression came to be, the first of which is from Norse mythology.

The cat was supposed to have great influence on the weather and witches that rode on storms were said to assume the form of cats. The dog and wolf, [more…]

The Real McCoy

Is it the Real McCoy? – Is it the genuine article?

This phrase stems from a story about the world class welterweight boxing champion Charles ‘Kid’ McCoy. Supposedly he was at some time challenged to prove that he was who he said he was and so he knocked out the inquirer! When the man came [more…]

Back to square one

This phrase sounds like it has its origins in crosswords but it originated from the early days of radio broadcasting of football matches.

So that listeners could follow the match more easily, a diagram of the pitch was published in the radio programme.

The diagram was divided into numbered squares and of course, the numbers started [more…]



If something is a load of old codswallop it is nonsense or of no value. Where does this odd word come from?
One theory speaks of Hiram C Codd, who in the 1870s, went into business selling lemonade in green glass bottles with marble stoppers.
‘Wallop’ was a nineteenth century slang term for beer and [more…]