Christine Lovatt's Desk

Welcome to Christine's Desk

Here you'll find a variety of puzzle themed items and pieces of information to hold your interest. Learn about some of the wonderful words and phrases in our everyday language, find out about the health benefits of crosswords and puzzles, be entertained by Christine's Hello column… and there's much more on offer. The latest submissions appear below. Thanks for dropping by and we hope you enjoy your visit.


Big is one of the mystery words of English etymology, extremely common but of highly dubious origin.
In its earliest use in English it meant ‘powerful’ or ‘strong’ and it was not until the 16th century that it took on the meaning of ‘large’.
It occurred originally in northern English texts, only slowly spreading south, [more…]

An even break

W C Fields famous utterance, ‘Never give a sucker an even break’ has its origins at the dog race track.

Dog owners, betting on the speed of their hounds when chasing the hare, had to make sure they started at exactly the same time, that they had an even break.

Even break came to refer to [more…]

Beyond the pale

If someone’s behaviour is described as being beyond the pale, it is deemed unacceptable – they have overstepped the mark of good manners or decency.

A pale was a wooden stake (think of palings) and the word extended its meaning to ‘an enclosed area’ or ‘an area designated to a particular authority’, such as a [more…]


Bedlam is a state of chaos or uproar but its original meaning was an insane asylum.

Bedlam is derived from the word Bethlehem as taken from the Hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem located outside Bishopsgate, in the City of London. The hospital was established in approximately 1330 as an attachment to the priory, established [more…]

We Three Kings

From Colossus Inklings No.121

We published reader Peter Robinson’s letter about the King Canute story in Colossus 121’s Puzzle Postbox. Here are three legends of British kings, which may be true or not.

King Canute sat on the beach and ordered the waves to turn back and leave his feet dry. As Canute knew would happen, [more…]

Baffler Prize A Thrill

I have just received a cheque for $100 as one of the winners for the Baffler puzzle and am so thrilled!

I’ve subscribed to your publications for at least 8 years and enjoy each and every issue. The Baffler is definitely a fun challenge – needing answers for authors, plays, books, geography, history and [more…]

Puzzles, my pastime

My pastimes, which I think are beaut,
Puzzles are my main pursuit
Every day with pen in hand
A cryptic sits there in demand

Solving smartens up my brain
Then off I go to catch a train
To make a buck and earn my keep
Then hope to eat, relax and sleep

Another day, another quest
I can’t decide which are the best
Sudokus, [more…]

Crazy For Kryptons

Hello to all at Lovatts and especially to James and Christine. Heard your interview on ABC radio and found it really interesting. What a lovely story of how you two met and ‘founded’ your puzzles and then progressed to the here and now.

I discovered your Pocket Puzzle books about two years [more…]

From the horse’s mouth

Originally, this term was racing slang which basically meant ‘a hot tip’.

After the 1930s however, the saying was used to encompass any kind of evidence given on the best authority.

It alludes to the fact that the most reliable way of determining a horse’s age is by simply inspecting its teeth.

A dealer may try to [more…]