Christine Lovatt's Desk

Welcome to Christine's Desk

Here you'll find a variety of puzzle themed items and pieces of information to hold your interest. Learn about some of the wonderful words and phrases in our everyday language, find out about the health benefits of crosswords and puzzles, be entertained by Christine's Hello column… and there's much more on offer. The latest submissions appear below. Thanks for dropping by and we hope you enjoy your visit.

Fascinated by frustration?

Thank you very much for the runner-up prize for the Goliathon in Big No. 204 and also the DIY runner-up. I truly enjoy completing Goliathon, Demon, etc. I feel such a sense of achievement when I have completed one of these fascinating/frustrating puzzles.

Thank you all for making these very short days, and long [more…]

Aim High- Nov BIG Contests

Tackling a Demon can be like climbing a mountain and this was true of clue 7dn in the November BIG. ‘Mt McKinley’ didn’t even seem like a clue to some, but the clue referred to the fact that Mt McKinley has another name.

The highest mountain in North America is in Alaska and in 1896 [more…]

As happy as Thelma

Thank you for the book and $50 cheque that I have won so far.

I enjoy reading the comments from other puzzlers and ran across “As happy as Thelma” in January BIG. My granny was also full of Aussieisms and I use them a lot. The one she used the most was [more…]

A time rich with good memories

I was very happy to receive ‘Beyond the Sea’ CD and love listening to Sinatra and others of the fifties.

I was amazed, but delighted, to see you had printed my list of authors and titles and the anecdote of my childhood near Mackay. Last thing I expected, as I felt it was all far [more…]

Motivated by the fun

Thank you for the watch. It is something I really needed – with such a nice dial – which I can read!

The search for new words and the fun of fitting everything together is the motivation, but along the way a pat on the back with a prize is wonderful.

Thank you very much. [more…]

Keep up the Concept-Cross

Have always lamented that the different trial puzzles dont have the answer in the current issue, and that I invariably forget to check on answers when the solution appears. With Big 203 and Concept-Cross though Ive finally completed one, and naturally I love it. Keep up the good work.
Patrick Hooper

Beauty of Maths

I saw your “Beauty of Maths” article on the inside of the front cover of the December Super Sudoku.

I have received a similar version of this with an extra part, which, as a Maths teacher, I really liked.

It says that if A=1%, B=2%, etc., then HARD WORK = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98% and KNOWLEDGE=11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96% but [more…]

Star Grazing — Starhunts celebrities (Issue 53)

» Code Cracker Starhunts Issue No.53 – on sale December 16! More infoTo learn more about celebrities featured in this bi-monthly issue of Code Cracker Starhunts, please make a selection:

Connie Booth
Rose Byrne

Simon Pegg
Eric Roberts

Rupert Friend

» Connie BoothConnie Booth is an American-born actress most famous for her role as Polly Sherman, the sensible maid and [more…]

Maxi mad

MAXI MAXI MAXI, just thought I would let you know how much I really enjoy your Cluewords editions. Would love to see either more of the Maxi’s or maybe even a whole book dedicated to the MAX..
Love your puzzles
Kerry Dyer