Christine Lovatt's Desk

Welcome to Christine's Desk

Here you'll find a variety of puzzle themed items and pieces of information to hold your interest. Learn about some of the wonderful words and phrases in our everyday language, find out about the health benefits of crosswords and puzzles, be entertained by Christine's Hello column… and there's much more on offer. The latest submissions appear below. Thanks for dropping by and we hope you enjoy your visit.

A Little Lovatts Ditty

I’m sat here with my Lovatts mug, crossword books and pen,
dictionaries, reference books, and my Oxford little gem,
white out, pencils, rubbers too, all to help my aim,
to finish both The Stinker and The Demon once again.

Love your crosswords.
Pauline Allen

Lovatts Mind Gym

I was delighted to receive a handy gadget prize in the BIG 209 competition and even more pleased to receive the accompanying letter with its encouragement to [more…]

Clever Acrostic Contributions

In our June BIG and Holiday Collection 73 we asked our puzzlers to write their own acrostic poem and send it in.  We have received many creative submissions. Here are some of them:

Gorgeous I’d call you
Wonderful one
Ever a memory
Naïve as the sun

Shy with affection
Cos youth is too lame
Always I’ll love you
None other can tame
Ere [more…]

Lovatts supports the Alzheimer’s Australia ‘Mind your Mind’ campaign

It is a sad reality that nearly all of us know a person living with dementia and have witnessed the effects this has not only on them, but on their carers, family and friends.

This disease can happen to anybody. Though it is more common after the age of 65, people in their 40s, 50s [more…]

Spooks or Angels?

I have been meaning to get in touch for some years about the frequency a word comes up on TV and it happens to be either the clue or something similar as to what I am about to fill in on a particular crossword, so answering your request. My record with one particular crossword [more…]

Crosswords the best medicine

Many thanks for the crossword magazines which I received together with the erasable pen. My crosswords are my medicine. Here’s an acronym for you. Lots Of Very Attractive Tantalizing Teasing Stinkers
Bob Clarke

Tips for left-handers

I love your puzzle books from cover to cover. The only bit I skim over is the endless tripe about left handers. You molly-dookers (I’d never heard that one before) must be used to living in a right-handed world by now. If you haven’t solved the problem yet, here are three [more…]

A friend in puzzles

What a lovely surprise when I got home from work the other day to find a parcel waiting for me from you! I was a winner in the Holiday Collection 71, and won an awesome bag and calculator! I was thrilled with this win, as I enter all your competitions, hardly ever missing one. [more…]

A Foregone Conclusion

Hmm – I was going to say I had spotted a gremlin in the maxi clueword of no 72 Holiday clueword but I did do some research and find you are correct. To me forego (the across clue at the 7th level below the MAXI caption) has always meant “to go without” (to forego [more…]