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Professor Arnold Scheibel

In a July 1994 Life magazine article by Daniel Golden, Building a Better Brain (download the full article below) he quotes Dr. Arnold Scheibel, former head of UCLA’s Brain Research Institute who said, “Anything that is intellectually challenging can probably serve as a stimulus for dendritic growth, which adds to the computational reserves in your [more…]

J R Stirzaker – Mt Waverley, Vic

“I am 78 years old and an Ex-Rat of Tobruk. I have found since I have been doing your crosswords that my memory has improved. I am able to retain the meaning of words that I have had to look up in the dictionary.”

Trudi Campbell – Sydney

“I first came into contact with Lovatts Crosswords during a stay in hospital. I was then ten years old. I was taken to Dubbo to have my appendix out and was placed in the children’s ward. I was the oldest by about seven years.
“I was scared and I was all alone with no one [more…]


Ventriloquism was a word originally associated with possession by an evil spirit.

The word comes from the Latin ventriloquus, which is a compound of venter ‘stomach’ and loqui, ‘speak’.

It originally referred literally to the phenomenon of speaking from the stomach, particularly as a sign of demonic possession.

The word was linked to the trick of throwing [more…]


Do you know someone called John or Jack who you would describe as zany?

This word meaning bizarre, way out or wacky comes from the Italian form of John, Giovanni.

The name John and its European counterparts such as Jean and Giovanni were very popular, they came to be used to denote the common man. Jack [more…]

Khaki Enquiry

You use the clue ‘Army fabric’ for the solution KHAKI. Is not khaki the colour? The actual fabric is not khaki. I’d reckon the actual fabric would be cotton or some synthetic these days?

Margaret Worrington
Belfield, NSW

What’s The Connection?

I knew that RABBITS ON was the answer to ‘Chatters away’ in Mega 1, 163ac in Holiday Collection 67, but can you tell me why? What is the connection between a rabbit and a talkative person?

Lucy Allen
Fairy Meadow, NSW

Grey Matter Staying Alert

I love Starhunts, Skeletons, Wheel words and anything that makes the grey matter stay alert. Thank you so much for all the work you do.

Mrs N B Sheldon
Davistown, NSW

I Love Cryptics

At last. I have finished both the word list and the answer line in the Editors Challenge. I love the Cryptics best. My neighbour and I are on our second lot of cryptic books numbered from 1-8. Thank you for keeping our brains active.

Irene Atkins
Korumburra, Vic