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Crosswords the best medicine

Many thanks for the crossword magazines which I received together with the erasable pen. My crosswords are my medicine. Here’s an acronym for you. Lots Of Very Attractive Tantalizing Teasing Stinkers
Bob Clarke

Hello – May 2010

Mother’s Day is celebrated in many parts of the world, although on different dates. In Britain it’s on the fourth Sunday of Lent (14th March this year) and is known as Mothering Sunday,  The Italians make a big heart-shaped cake when La Festa Della Mamma comes around in May, and mother gets a day [more…]

Hello – April 2010

Okay, I’ve got the message that some of you readers don’t like seeing the word okay in a crossword, because you were taught at school that it’s a slang word and should never be used in polite company.

Since those days, however, the English language has moved on in leaps and bounds. So many of [more…]

Tips for left-handers

I love your puzzle books from cover to cover. The only bit I skim over is the endless tripe about left handers. You molly-dookers (I’d never heard that one before) must be used to living in a right-handed world by now. If you haven’t solved the problem yet, here are three [more…]

A friend in puzzles

What a lovely surprise when I got home from work the other day to find a parcel waiting for me from you! I was a winner in the Holiday Collection 71, and won an awesome bag and calculator! I was thrilled with this win, as I enter all your competitions, hardly ever missing one. [more…]

A Foregone Conclusion

Hmm – I was going to say I had spotted a gremlin in the maxi clueword of no 72 Holiday clueword but I did do some research and find you are correct. To me forego (the across clue at the 7th level below the MAXI caption) has always meant “to go without” (to forego [more…]

Star Grazing — Starhunts celebrities (Issue 54)

» Code Cracker Starhunts Issue No.54 – on sale February 17! (SPECIAL OFFER: 3 x FREE ISSUES WHEN YOU SUBSCRIBE DURING MARCH ’10 More info)

To learn more about celebrities featured in this bi-monthly issue of Code Cracker Starhunts, please make a selection:

Alice Cooper
Amanda Peet

Robert Duvall
James Franco

Thandie Newton

» Alice Cooper

Born Vincent Furnier, Alice Cooper is an American [more…]

Latest win is a Stinker!

I would just like to say thank you for the various prizes I have won over the years, the latest being for winning the Stinker competition in Colossus 217. The Stinker, the Demon and the cryptics are my favourite competitions. I always look forward to the crossword books coming through my letter box and [more…]

Wordygig’s Waboom

Thank you for the Wordygig tester “WABOOM” – ’twas hard to find the correct definition.

Well done.

But, I can’t stop laughing at your third option – “An underground explosion in an Australian iron ore mine.” Can you imagine it – “WA-BOOOMMM” – yes, I suppose you can.

Also, I’ve wanted to ask this for [more…]