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Writing For Wellness

I’ve often said that one of the best parts of my job is reading your letters and you tell me how much you enjoy reading other puzzlers’ letters. Your feedback (both positive and negative) helps me to maintain and improve the quality of our puzzle magazines.

But on a personal level and just as importantly, [more…]

Father’s Day & Founding Fathers

The most famous fathers throughout history were not always fathers in the literal sense. Biologist Gregor Mendel may have had no heirs, but he is often regarded as the father of genetics. Similarly, the first president of the United States, George Washington, rose to prominence as the father of his country despite having no [more…]

Twice As Nice: Exploring Echo Words

One of the clues you might find in our crossword puzzles is ‘Aimlessly (5-5)’ – answer WILLY-NILLY. It comes from will I, nill I – ‘I am willing, I am unwilling’. It is an example of a rhyming jingle.

Rhyming jingles are fun to use, even though they have the rather serious name of reduplicatives. [more…]

Brain Training

Why are cryptic crosswords singled out as the most popular brain-sharpening tool? It seems that the task of solving cryptics really works in improving the way the pathways in the brain connect with each other.

As we age, it seems easier to remember events of our childhood than what happened yesterday. This has been attributed [more…]

Across Time: The History of Crosswords

Did you know that it’s been over one hundred years since the first crossword was created? Arthur Wynne, a Liverpudlian working in New York, was playing around with a puzzle for the Sunday edition of the New York World. He came up with a diamond-shaped puzzle with clues and squares in which to fill [more…]

Beyond Measure: Yoga & You


In all traditional measuring systems, humans used their bodies as measuring standards, which is why some units are still based on the dimensions of the human body.

The inch represents the width of a thumb, which is why, in many languages, the same word is used for both ‘inch’ and ‘thumb’. In Dutch, duim means [more…]

Get To Know Greek Letters


The Greek alphabet was first used in the 8th century BC and is still used today. It has a set of 24 letters which you might see as mathematical symbols or the names of stars.

Our own alphabet is named after the first two Greek letters, Alpha and Beta, and you may have noticed that [more…]

Learn about the phrase ‘How’s your father?’

The history of some of our colloquial or idiomatic phrases is often the subject of debate, as is the case with the expression ‘How’s your father?’ To a non-British person, it might sound like an innocent enquiry after the health of a parent, but there’s much more to it.

Music hall comedian Harry Tate used [more…]

Cluewords 212 – Gremlin

The Baffler, page 41

The clue ‘Ecuador’s largest city’ is incorrect, it should have read ‘Ecuador’s capital’.

Thanks to M Allen from NSW for reporting this gremlin.