MEGA Competition Solutions – UK Issue 84
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Alpha & Omega
Alpha, being the first letter, implies ‘first’ or ‘leadership’, as in a first-class mark in a college exam or ‘alpha male’, the dominant man. Beta means second-best, as in a second-class exam mark. It was also a videotape format in those far off days before CDs and DVDs. Beta waves are generated when the [more…]
Mother’s Day Around The World
Mother’s Day is celebrated in many parts of the world, although on different dates. The modern form we recognise now originated in the United States, observed on the second Sunday in May. In the UK, Mother’s Day is also known as Mothering Sunday and is held in March, usually the fourth Sunday of [more…]
Sheep words and phrases you might find in crossword clues
Where do sheep get their wool cut? The baa-baashop!
Just kidding. Shearing or clipping is usually done by skilled shearers. A sheep may be said to be sheared or shorn, depending on the dialect, and raddle is the coloured pigment that is used to mark sheep.
The above example is just a small clipping of the countless words and phrases that stem from sheep and sheep farming [more…]
Subtle differences with similar meanings
When it comes to writing crossword clues, we have to be very careful when describing a word, especially when there’s another word with a similar meaning. Fortunately, the other word is usually of a different length and wouldn’t fit the clue space, or certain intersecting letters won’t fit in with other words in the [more…]