Magazine Gremlins – Australian and New Zealand titles

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

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Christine’s BIG Crossword 366 – Gremlin – BIG 12

Solution for BIG 12 puzzle, p69

Three intersecting grid words were shown incorrectly in the solution:

72ac  ‘Drench’ should have had the answer DOUSE not DAFOE

65dn ‘Curved (roof)’ should have had the answer DOMED not DARED

66dn  ‘Russian rulers’ should have had the answer TSARS not TOURS

Thanks to R Keefer from NSW for reporting these gremlins.

Christine’s Cryptic Collection 28 – Gremlin – Double Take 3

Double Take 3 puzzle, p44

The cryptic clue at 13ac should have read ‘Possibility occurs for spiritless spectrum (8)’ rather than ‘Possibility occurs for spectrum, unhesitatingly (8)’ for the answer PROSPECT.

Thanks to M Delzoppo for alerting us to this gremlin.

Christine’s Cryptic Collection 28 – Gremlin – MEGA Mix

MEGA Mix, pages 34-35

The clue at 2dn should have read ‘Father of Queen Elizabeth II, … VI (6)’ rather than ‘Father of Queen Elizabeth II, … V (6)’ for the answer GEORGE.

Thanks to S Bakker for alerting us to this gremlin.

MEGA! Crosswords® 140 – Gremlin

MEGA! 1, pages 4-5

The clue at 81dn should have read ‘Owns’ for the answer HAS, not ‘Prosciutto’.

Thanks to G Hanney from Qld for reporting this gremlin.

Handy Arrowords 111 – Gremlin

Wheel Words 2, page 68 with solution on page 80

Printed solution contained nine words that did not contain the middle letter O.

Leaving out these words, discovering 15 words would be Good, 20 would be Very good and 25+ Excellent

Thanks to M Scullion for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 13 – Gremlin

Adders, p7 and solution p74

2. This set had two possible solutions: 18+13=31 and 59+26=85.

Thank you to A Thorne for alerting us to this error.

Handy Acrostic 43 – Gremlin

Acrostic 42, pages 72-73

Clue C should have read ‘Most unctuous’ rather than ‘More unctuous’ for the answer OILIEST.

Thanks to J Ford from Qld for alerting us to this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 139 – Gremlin

Letter Scramble, page 33

There is an alternate solution possible, with THICKEN an anagram for the given solution KITCHEN.

Thanks to K Byatt from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 194 – Gremlin – Cluewords 22

Cluewords 22, page 45

The clue ‘Group of notes’ should have been ‘Groups of notes’ for the answer CHORDS.

Thank you to M Allen from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.