Magazine Gremlins – Australian and New Zealand titles

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

if you think you've spotted one, please check below to see whether it's already been reported or →click here to browse errors by magazine title. If you're the first to bring the boo-boo to our notice, we'll send you a Gremlin spotter fridge magnet!
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Colossus Crosswords 187 – Gremlin

Wiz Words, page 36

The clue at 10 across ‘Cereal crop often used in the making of whisky’ for the answer RYE should have had ‘whiskey’ not ‘whisky’

Thank you to Leslie Platt for alerting us to this gremlin

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 83 – Gremlin – Cryptic 7

Cryptic 7, page 28

The clue at 21 down ‘Laid in wait and lured first kangaroo inside (6)’  should have read ‘Lay in wait…’ for the answer LURKED

Thank you to Geoff Lyons from NSW for alerting us this gremlin

Super Sudoku Collection 1 – Printing Correction

Due to a printing error, the lines are a little faint in Futoshiki 2 on page 12 of the Super Sudoku Collection.

To resolve this, you could either;
– Simply trace over the faint lines with a darker pen, or
– Download the updated page. (700kB)

Happy Puzzling!

Colossus Crosswords 186 – Gremlin

The Beast 2, page 46

1ac CENTIPEDES are not insects, they are arthropods.

Thank you to Margaret Howell from Bendigo for alerting us to this gremlin

Christine’s BIG Crossword 324 – Gremlin

BIG Crossword 4, page 14

The photo clue reference for Robbie Williams should be 28ac not 26ac

Thanks to Brian Caterson from Medowie NSW for alerting us to this gremlin

Colossus Crosswords 186 – Gremlin

MAXI!, page 38

The clue ‘Spinning top’ should be ‘Spinning toy’ for the answer YO-YO

Thank you to Stephen Thomson from Cranbourne Vic for alerting us to this gremlin

MEGA! Crosswords® 121 – Gremlin

MEGA! 16, page 44

The ‘n’ has dropped off the clue at 27dn ‘Being on-specific’ for the answer GENERALISING

Thanks to David Stenson for alerting us to this error

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 121 – Gremlin

MAXI! 2, page 62

There is an extra arrow on the clue box for ‘Fallen timbers’

Thank you to Gaylene Nichols from Tasmania for alerting us to this gremlin

Christine’s BIG Crossword 325 – Gremlin

Anarchy, page 19

The ‘Across’ clues are numbered incorrectly. They should be numbered 1,5,6,7 across.

Thanks to Carolyn Frame from Queanbeyan for alerting us to this error.