Magazine Gremlins – Australian and New Zealand titles

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

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Crossword & Puzzle Collection 126

Pop Words, page 83

The word break-up for the clue at 11ac should be (3’1,5)

Thank you to R Bullen for alerting us to this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 125 – Gremlin

MEGA! 4, page 106

The clues are incorrect for the words at 152ac, 165ac, 173ac, 177ac, 135dn, 143dn and 166dn.

Thank you to M James from WA for alerting us to this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 125 – Gremlin

Giant Starburst, page 86

There is an extra arrow on the clue box for the clue ‘The Apostle star, Robert …’.

Thank you to D Butler from SA for alerting us to this gremlin.

FindaWord 140 – Gremlin – Snake Area 2

Snake 2 Area, page 16

The given word was crossed out incorrectly on the list, it should have been DOMINION not DOMAIN.

Thank you to D Bungey for alerting us to this gremlin.

FindaWord 140 – Gremlin – 41 History in Space

41 History in Space, page 32

The listed words should read OLIVE BRANCH not OLIVE RANCH

Thanks to M Nicholls for alerting us to this gremlin

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 125 – Gremlin

Crozzle 2, page 90

The clue for ASCERTAINS should read ‘Deter-mines’.

Thank you to B Hynes from Coffs Harbour for reporting this gremlin to us.

Christine’s BIG Crossword 333 – Gremlin

BIG Crossword 7, page 44

The word ‘spirits’ is split over two lines in the clue Raised s pirits of’ at 118dn.

Thank you to L Atkins from Vic for alerting us to this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 125 – Gremlin

MAXI! 2, page 62

The arrows are missing on the clue boxes for the clues ‘Reimpose’ and ‘Casual (4,4)’.

Thank you to D Knight from QLD for reporting these errors.


Handy Cryptic Crosswords 83 – Gremlin – Double Take 2

Double Take 2, page 24

The clue at 1ac should read ‘American revolution hero Paul leaves revel, even there in last batting position’

Thank you to Marion Isham for reporting this one to us