Magazine Gremlins – Australian and New Zealand titles

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

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MEGA! Crosswords® 128 – Gremlin

MEGA! 19, page 52

The clue at 11ac should have read ‘Busied (oneself)’ for the answer OCCUPIED.

Thanks to P Ingram from QLD for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Puzzles 113 – Gremlin

Acrostic 1, page 6

There is an incorrect extra letter line for the solution for H.

Thanks to S Penman from Ballajura for alerting us to this gremlin.

Christine’s BIG Crossword 341 – Gremlin

Two-Way Teaser, page 28

Word break-up at 32dn should be (2,6) for the answer IN ACTION.

Thanks to B Brook from Childers for alerting us to this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 128 – Gremlin – World Words

World Words, page 70

The clue ‘Quebec/Newfoundland peninsula’ is incorrect. The peninsula is in the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador & Quebec.

Thanks to E Wilson for reporting this gremlin.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 89 – Gremlin

Cryptic 16, page 56

The word break-ups for the clues at 20ac, 22ac & 23ac should have been (8), (6) & (10).

Thanks to Hilary S for alerting us to this gremlin.

Christine’s BIG Crossword 340 – Gremlin

Memory Lane, page 46

8ac The word ‘fame’ was misspelt as ‘frame’.

Thanks to H Ireland from NSW for reporting this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 128 – Gremlin – Two-In-One, page 69

Two-In-One, page 69

The word ‘oar’ appears twice in the grid.

Thank you to D Pankhurst for alerting us to this gremlin

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 128 – Gremlin – Giant Starburst

Giant Starburst, page 86

The arrow on the clue ‘Song, Swing … Sweet Chariot’ should point down and not to the right

Thank you to L Fischer for alerting us to this gremlin

Colossus Crosswords 192 – Gremlin

The Stinker, page 26

The clue at 146 down ‘Bone marrow components (4,4) for the answer STEM CELL should have had ‘component’ not ‘components’

Thank you to Max Allen for alerting us to this gremlin