Magazine Gremlins – Australian and New Zealand titles

Gremlins are errors that make puzzles frustrating, difficult or impossible to complete.

if you think you've spotted one, please check below to see whether it's already been reported or →click here to browse errors by magazine title. If you're the first to bring the boo-boo to our notice, we'll send you a Gremlin spotter fridge magnet!
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Puzzle Fun For Kids 116 – Gremlin

Criss Cross, page 10

The boxes for ‘BOOTS’ are missing from the grid.

Thanks to Amy C for reporting this gremlin.

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 131 – Gremlin

Wheel Words 2, page 80

There were six plurals included in the puzzle.

Thanks to V Daw for reporting this gremlin to us.

Christine’s BIG Crossword 345

MEGA!, page 22

The clue at 37ac should have read ‘Lets off the rein’.

Thanks to N Brandi from Victoria for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Code Crackers 97 – Gremlin

Red Herrings, page 11

There are 9 not 8 foods, the word at 7. is SAUCES.

Thanks to R Wheeler from QLD for alerting us to this error.


Cluewords 176 – Gremlin

Cluewords 22, page 45

The clue for HOTTER should have been spelt ‘Steamier’ not ‘Stearmier’.

Thanks to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Colossus Crosswords 193 – Gremlin

Colossus 2, page 14

The clue at 245dn ‘.471 acres’ should be ‘2.471 acre units’ for the answer HECTARES

Thank you to A Rice for alerting us to this gremlin

Crossword & Puzzle Collection 130

Alphabet Soup, page 52

There are two Es in the bowl of alphabet soup.

Thanks to J Booth from New South Wales for alerting us to this gremlin.

Cluewords 174 – Gremlin

MAXI 2, page 24

There is an incorrect extra arrow on the clue box for ‘Rescue ring’.

Thanks to R Hardwidge-Suddards from QLD for alerting us to this gremlin.


Handy Puzzles 114 – Gremlin

Acrostic 1, page 6

There is an incorrect extra letter line for the solution for C.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for alerting us to this gremlin.