Handy Range Gremlins

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Handy Acrostic 30 – Gremlin

Acrostic 21, page 36

The H of the answer RHODODENDRON should have been 39 not 9.

Thanks to J Mills of NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Arrowords 98 – Gremlin

Mind The Gap 1 & 2, pages 18 & 56

The shaded squares are missing from both puzzles for the hidden words.

Thanks to Trevor Hoare for alerting us to this error


Handy Cryptic Crosswords 83 – Gremlin – Double Take 2

Double Take 2, page 24

The clue at 1ac should read ‘American revolution hero Paul leaves revel, even there in last batting position’

Thank you to Marion Isham for reporting this one to us

Handy Puzzles 109 – Gremlin

Triplet 1, page 33

The word DER is out of order in the list.

Triplet 3, page 52

The word list does not match the puzzle

Thanks to Margaret Lomanowicz for alerting us to these gremlins


Handy Cryptic Crosswords 83 – Gremlin – Cryptic 7

Cryptic 7, page 28

The clue at 21 down ‘Laid in wait and lured first kangaroo inside (6)’  should have read ‘Lay in wait…’ for the answer LURKED

Thank you to Geoff Lyons from NSW for alerting us this gremlin

Handy Puzzles 104 – Gremlin

Cryptic Arrow, page 70

The arrow for the clue ‘Night with first woman’ is pointing to the incorrect square on the grid

Thank you to Christine Rae from Donnybrook for alerting us to this error

Handy Sudoku 177 – Gremlin

Sudoku 93, page 56

Sudoku has more than one solution.

Thanks to John Mallam from Medowie, NSW, for alerting us to this error.

Handy Sudoku 170 – Gremlin

Sudoku 99, page 59

Sudoku has more than one solution.

Thanks to John Mallam from Medowie, NSW for alerting us to this error.