Handy Range Gremlins

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Handy Cryptic Crosswords 92 – Gremlin

Cryptic 11, page 42

The word break-up for the clue at 22ac should be (5) not (4).

Thanks to S & J Ryder from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 92 – Gremlin

Cryptic 8, page 30

The clue at 17ac was incorrect, it should have read ‘Turned in flag in scarlet (7)’.

Thank you to M Delzoppo from ACT for alerting us to this gremlin.


Handy Code Crackers 97 – Gremlin

Red Herrings, page 11

There are 9 not 8 foods, the word at 7. is SAUCES.

Thanks to R Wheeler from QLD for alerting us to this error.


Handy Puzzles 114 – Gremlin

Acrostic 1, page 6

There is an incorrect extra letter line for the solution for C.

Thanks to S Penman from WA for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 3 – Gremlin

Adders 2, page 7

There is another solution in the puzzle. 39+61 = 100.

Thanks to L Fischer from QLD for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Puzzles 113 – Gremlin

Acrostic 1, page 6

There is an incorrect extra letter line for the solution for H.

Thanks to S Penman from Ballajura for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Cryptic Crosswords 89 – Gremlin

Cryptic 16, page 56

The word break-ups for the clues at 20ac, 22ac & 23ac should have been (8), (6) & (10).

Thanks to Hilary S for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy BrainTrainers 01 – Gremlin

AEIOU, page 4

An ‘N’ is missing in the clue GNNG for the answer GUNNING.

Thank you to B Carr, NZ for alerting us to this gremlin.

Handy Acrostic 29 – Gremlin

Grid Logic 2, page 56

There is a second possible solution to this puzzle, plus the heading in the puzzle were labelled incorrectly.

Thank you to D Woolley from QLD for alerting us to these gremlins.