FindaWord Gremlins

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FindaWord 167 – Gremlin

Quickfind 55, page 76

‘UNIMAK ISLAND’ is misspelled as ‘UNMIAK ISLAND’ in the grid of letters.

Thanks to K Jurkovic from WA for reporting this gremlin.

FindaWord ® 154 – Gremlin

FindaWord 25 IT’S A MAD, MAD WORLD, p32, top

The word PREPOSTEROUS was misspelled as PROPOSTEROUS in the list as well as the grid, running vertically downwards on the right hand side.

Thank you to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

FindaWord ® 153 – Gremlin

Quickfind 59, p77

The term CHAIN STITCH was misspelled as CHIAN STITCH in the grid, running vertically upwards on the left hand side.

Thank you to R Shaw for alerting us to this gremlin.

FindaWord ® 153 – Gremlin

FindaWord ® 78, p103

The term PICTURE RAIL was misspelled as PICTUE RAIL in column two of the list and in the grid.

Thank you to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

FindaWord 153 – Gremlin

FindaWord ® 23, p26

The word DESICCATE was misspelled as DESSICATE in column two of the list and in the grid.

Thank you to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

FindaWord 152 – Gremlin

Cluedunnit 1, p47

The first clue in the final column had an incorrect word break-up (3,4) instead of (3,5). The full clue should have read ‘He won the Best Actor Oscar for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump (3,5)’.

Thank you to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

FindaWord 140 – Gremlin – Snake Area 2

Snake 2 Area, page 16

The given word was crossed out incorrectly on the list, it should have been DOMINION not DOMAIN.

Thank you to D Bungey for alerting us to this gremlin.

FindaWord 140 – Gremlin – 41 History in Space

41 History in Space, page 32

The listed words should read OLIVE BRANCH not OLIVE RANCH

Thanks to M Nicholls for alerting us to this gremlin

FindaWord 127 – Gremlin

FindaWord 82, page 66

There is a 6-letter word, RACKET, in the puzzle titled ‘Seven-letter R words’

Thanks to Gary Corrick for alerting us to this gremlin.