Code Crackers Gremlins

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Code Cracker 140 – Gremlin

Acrostic contest, page 36

The clue at F should have read ‘Concord’s’ not ‘Newport’s’ is in this US state’

Thank you to M Gairey for alerting us to this gremlin.

Code Crackers 140 – Gremlin

Photo Starhunt 2, page 51

The incorrect square was shaded for the solution, it should have been A not T.

Thanks to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.


Code Crackers 137 – Gremlin

Code Crackers 22 & 24

The two puzzles had identical grids.

Thanks to L Shirriff for alerting us to this gremlin.


Code Crackers 134 – Gremlin

Concept Code 2, page 23

The S for CIRCUS in the solution should have been 12 not 1.

Thanks to J Carrington from NSW for alerting us to this gremlin.

Code Crackers 119 – Gremlin

Code Search 2, page 50

The letter ‘W’ was not included in the words in the list, puzzle was not able to be solved.

Thank you to N Teakle for alerting us to this gremlin.